Conditional Log-Likelihood vs. Mean Squared Error

This post introduces conditional log-likelihood and mean squared error and shows the relationship between these two performance measures.

For many machine learning problems, especially for supervised learning, the goal is to build a system that can take a vector \bold{x}\in{\mathbb{R}^m} as input and predict the value of a scalar y\in{\mathbb{R}} as its output. To solve such problems, we can follow the steps:

  1. choose a model to predict a \hat{y} when given an input \bold{x}
  2. estimate the weights \theta = g(\bold{x}) that \hat{y} = f(\theta, \bold{x})
    1. define the performance measure (also known as loss function or cost function)
    2. design an algorithm that will improve the weights \theta in a way that reduces loss function

For deep learning problems, step 1 corresponds to determining the architecture of the neural network, step 2.1 determining the cost function and step 2.2 training a model.

Conditional log-likelihood and mean squared error appear in the step 2.1. We can view them as different performance measures. But later we will see that with the assumption of a gaussian distribution of the training data, they are just different interpretations of the same performance measure.

Mean Squared Error

Mean squared error (MSE) measures the euclidean distance between estimated targets and the real targets

MSE_{ML} = \dfrac{1}{m}\begin{Vmatrix}\text{\^{y}}-y\end{Vmatrix}_2^2

Conditional Log-Likelihood

Consider a set of n examples X = \{\bold{x}^{(1)}...\bold{x}^{(n)}\} drawn independently from the true but unknown data-generating distribution p_{data}(\bold{x}). The conditional log-likelihood estimator is:

\begin{aligned} \theta_{ML} = \arg\max_\theta P(Y|X;\theta) \end{aligned}, where Y is all observed targets

If the examples are assumed to be i.i.d.(independently identically distributed), then this can be decomposed into

  \theta_{ML} &= \arg\max_\theta\prod^n_{i=1}P(y^{(i)}|\bold{x}^{(i)};\theta)\\
              &= \arg\max_\theta\sum_{i=1}^n \log P(y^{(i)}|x^{(i)};\theta)

Now we add the assumption of Gaussian distribution

p(y|\bold{x}) = \mathcal{N}(y;\hat{y},\sigma^2)

Then the sum of log term will become:

\sum_{i=1}^n \log p(y^{(i)}|x^{(i)};\theta) = -n\log \sigma-\frac{n}{2}\log (2\pi)-\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\lVert \hat{y}^{(i)}-y^{(i)}\rVert^2} {2\sigma^2}

Comparing the log-likelihood with the mean squared error, we immediately see maximizing the log-likelihood with respect to \theta yields the same estimate of the parameters \theta as does minimizing the mean squared error.

KL divergence

Another way to interpret maximum likelihood estimation is to view it as minimizing the dissimilarity between the empirical distribution p_{data}, defined by the training set and the model distribution \hat{p}_{model}.

In order to measure the dissimilarity of two probability distributions, we introduce KL divergence(Kullback-Leibler divergence), which is defined as follows:

\it{KL}(p\|q)\triangleq\sum_{k=1}^K p_k \log \frac{p_k}{q_k}

If put the training set and model distribution in the KL function, we will get:

D_{KL}(p_{data}\|\hat{p}_model) = \Bbb{E}_{\bold{x}\sim p_{data}}[\log p_{data}(\bold{x}) - \log \hat{p}_{model}(\bold(x))]

The term on the left doesn’t depend on the model. This means when we train the model to minimize the KL divergence, we need only to minimize

-\Bbb{E}_{\bold{x}\sim p_{data}}[\log \hat{p}_{model}(\bold{x})]

Now let’s look bakc to the MLE. Because the arg max does not change when we rescale the cost function, we can divide the MLE function by n to obtain a version o f the criterion that is expressed as an expectation with respect to the empirical distribution p_{data} defined by the training data:

\theta_{ML} = \arg\max_{\theta}\Bbb{E}_{\bold{x}\sim p_{data}}\log \hat{p}_{model}({\bold{x};\theta}),

which is the same as the MLE result.

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